Speckled Bird Christian Fellowship
This is an open fellowship, for all in the Body of Christ, who gather as a non-denominational Christian fellowship of Bible believers.
We want this to be a place where we have: no law but LOVE, no creed but CHRIST, no textbook but the BIBLE.
We invite and welcome you to come with an open heart, expecting to hear, recognise and act upon the vindicated message of the hour and we will fellowship together around the revealed Word of God, that was scripturally fulfilled in the life of Brother William Marrion Branham according to the the following scriptures: Malachi 4 vs 5-6, Mathew 17 vs 11, Acts 3 vs 20-21, Revelation 3 vs 14, Revelation chapter 10 …etc.
May Christ Second coming rejoice your hearts so much as it thrills our hearts to welcome you, to prepare for that great resurrection day, as we gather at Speckled Bird Christian Fellowship.
With Divine Love
Brother Luke Nyasha Makumbe and the Saint